Armored Angels, Inc is striving to be Angels as best we can to help families in need. You may click on our “Give a Gift” gifting icon below to donate to this wonderful cause
Grants are paid out on a first come first serve basis. To become a recipient you must fit the criteria below:
- Must be a US Citizen
- 18 years of age & older
- Annual Income of $48,000 and under
- Have an Active Order of Protection in the last 12 months
- You must be away from your abuser for at least 3 months
- A late payment history record from the court of received or non received child support & maintenance if it applies

Please take into consideration that by purchasing or gifting you are making a great impact on Survivors lives…
To sign up for Grants you must purchase processing fee.
If you fit this criteria you may apply by paying the $50 processing fee to be placed on the waiting list for grants. A friend or relative may pay the processing fee for you if you are unable to pay. If there are special circumstances, the processing fee may be waived.
We understand all too well of special circumstances and if you meet most of the criteria, meaning the Order of Protection ordered by the court, and your income is 48,000 or under it is unlikely that anyone would not get approved. You will be notified by mail of the status of your grant request. No phone calls pertaining to the application status.

Please click here to read all about survivors and their struggles.